Best Personal Financing
For You
Only 3 easy steps for you to get the best loan for you
Fill out a simple online form with your financial requirements and personal details, and our system will match you (instantly) with the products you are eligible to apply for.
From the list of matched financial products, evaluate the product details (such as the estimated profit rate) and select the product you want to apply for. You can choose more than one product to apply for.
We will send your request to the selected bank/financial institution. You just wait for a call from the bank/financial institution to continue your application process.
The Best Financing Solution
For Your Lifestyle
REMINDER: The choice of financial products is based on the qualifications and profile you fill in during the matching process. Financial offers and personal financing profit rates may depend on individual risk levels or other criteria (determined by the financial institution).
As-Sidq does NOT issue any financial products or charge additional fees to apply for the financial products displayed on this site.
Alliance Islamic Bank Personal Financing-i CashVantage
Total financing:
RM5,000 - RM150,000
Profit rate: Flat rate 4.99% - 15.28% per annum
Duration: 1 - 7 years
Financing can be used to consolidate credit card debt and other personal loans
Only for permanent employees of GLC companies or selected private sector companies
Personal Financing-i Yayasan Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Perlis
Total financing:
RM3,000 - RM300,000
Financing period: 1 year - 10 years
Profit Rate: Between 6.65% - 9.99% per annum
Permanent Employees (or KEMAS contracts) Federal Government, State Government, Government Agencies/ Selected Statutory Bodies, GLC or Police only.
24 Hours
Personal Financing-i Yayasan Ihsan Rakyat
Total financing:
RM3,000 - RM300,000
Financing period: 1 year - 10 years
Profit Rate: Between 6.65% - 9.99% per annum
Permanent Employees (or KEMAS contracts) Federal Government, State Government, Government Agencies/ Selected Statutory Bodies, GLC or Police only.
24 Hours